Sunday, November 25, 2007

Learning About Islam

As I wrote in my first posting, The Deen Show ( ) and The Religion of Islam ( ) websites were very informative in my investigation of Islam, and what it means to be a Muslim. The host of the shows featured on The Deen Show, Eddie, has been very nice in replying to my emails, answering my questions, and referring me to other sites where I may contiue my learning. The Deen Show site has a lot of videos, an informative library, even an online Qur'an. New shows are added often, so keep checking the site. Several of the sites I have found, like The Religion of Islam site, have "live" help sections during certain hours of the day. One can have a live chat, or in some cases, even request a call back where one can speak with a brother.

During my investigation I found an article about another person who was a Mormon, like I used to be, and in the article the author wrote about a website where he received a great deal of help. The site is called Why Islam? ( ). What is nice about this site is one can read about the basic beliefs, request free literature, correspond by email, request someone to accompany you to a mosque, or simply ask a question. In my case, I requested to have a mosque visit arranged. I was ready to take the Shahada, and planned to do so with a rep from the Religion of Islam site during a call back, but before I could do so received a call back from Before my call ended I had recited the Shahada (I still plan on doing so again in front of the congregation at my local masjid).

The reason I bring up is the fact that they have a large support community throughout the United States. Not only did I receive a "welcome" package containing a prayer rug, Qur'an, several other books and brochures, and even a prayer cap, but I was also contacted by a local masjid which offers new Muslim classes. A new class had recently started, so now every Sunday, for two hours for the next several months, I meet & learn with other local new brothers and sisters. I am very excited about these classes as it gives me a chance to meet other new brothers and make new Muslim friends. The class instructor is great and replies to email questions I have, and he has offered to work with me on some class work I have missed due to a family emergency. Also, I still get phone calls from the brother I took the Shahada with in my first phone call. It is nice to have the follow-up support since no one I know is a Muslim, and so many are misinformed, as I once was.

Other sites: Another helpful site is Islamic Finder ( ). I will let you check it out and find out all the helpful information it contains. A very entertaining and informative website for both Muslims and non-Mulims alike is Ummah Films ( ). Baba Ali's short films will put a smile on your face as you learn, or are reminded, about life as a Muslim. There are several other sites which I have found, but I will not link them at this time. The above sites are great places for one to start their journey, or to rediscover Islam.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

How My Life Changed by Research

"And whoever Allah wishes to guide, He opens his heart to Islam" [6:125]

The above verse from the Qur'an sums up best what has happened to me recently. If anyone would have told me two months ago that I would covert to Islam and become a Muslim, I would have laughed and told them they were crazy. Why would I, a conservative Christian American, convert to a religion which condones and endorses violence? I have read books and I have seen the videos by western "authorities" on Islam. I have seen video interviews of former terrorists, and heard their testimony about how the Qur'an says one has to commit jihad to get to paradise. So, why would I ever become a Muslim?

After so much media propaganda, from various websites, books, videos, news broadcasts, etc., I decided I had to research Islam and find out for myself so I could be better informed. So many verses from the Qur'an used to "prove" that Islam is violent are quoted using the infamous "..." signifying that it was a partial portion of the whole verse. From my various political debates with hardcore left-wingers, the use of "..." threw up red flags and made me wonder what words were missing, what was being hidden & why was it not being told. I knew part of the answer already: they couldn't make the point they were trying to make because the whole verse would disprove it. So I began my research of Islam to find the truth.

I started out doing a search for a story I read in the NY Times about a Muslim blogger in the United States. I tried doing a search for more information about him and ended up finding a link to an Islamic forum board. I posted a thread asking where I could learn more and one reply contained two links, one to The Deen Show ( ), and the other to The Religion of Islam ( ). Both websites were extremely informative, but I really enjoyed the video format of The Deen Show. There are a number of videos from former Christians, as well as other videos regarding the tenets of Islam. After watching one of the videos with American Muslim and author, Dr. Lang, I went and bought one of his books: "Losing My Religion: A Call for Help." What was really nice for me, was Dr. Lang's explanations, with verses from the Qur'an (where necessary), of what answered the questions he had about the religion. I was floored by some of Dr. Lang's writing because what I was reading about Islam were some of the same tenets of what I thought were unique tenets of the Mormon faith, which was what church I was a member at the time.

After doing more research about Mormons and Muslims, I discovered that there were several tenets of Islam which were the same in the Mormon faith. These were tenets which were some of the reasons why I became a Mormon. I had to continue to find out more about Islam and about what Muslims believe and how they live. My questions to other Mormons about what I found were met with resistance as most were unaware of the similarities. Some replies were rather defensive, wondering why it mattered and why would I care since "Islam is a religion of hate." The missionaries and my 'home teacher' are still very concerned about my interest in Islam and continue to email & meet with me about it. Little do they know that I said the Shahada almost one month ago.

Anyways, in my research I found that Islam is a wonderful religion. A religion of peace, a true religion of brotherhood, a true religion of equlity. I still have much to learn. At times it seems overwhelming, but all new converts are advised to progress at their own pace to avoid being overwhelmed. Right now, my biggest fear is the Salat, prayer. It is unlike any praying I have done...ever, and I want to do it correct so it is pleasing to Allah. InshAllah, He will take away my fears so I feel comfortable enough to pray with my other Brothers at the Masjid (mosque) very soon. I am confident all will be well as the brothers I have met have been more than willing to help me with any questions, concerns I may have.

What started out as research, into what I was informed was a religion of violence, has turned into a life changing event as I discovered the one true religion, Islam. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my investigation would result in my taking the Shahada and becoming a Muslim in a few short weeks. I am proud to be a Conservative American Muslim.