It has been some time since my last posting. Insha'Allah, the time will not be so great for the next one. Recently, I checked on an old Gmail account to see if it was active or not. Since I had not accessed it for over two years, I assumed it was gone due to inactivity. I was very surprised to see the account still active...and with a lot of back mail. Considering all the emails only came from three sources, almost 2000 emails seemed like a lot. Of course, I deleted all but the first page, and even then I only kept the 25 most recent to look through. In my estimation, I would say over 90% came from one website: Jihad Watch.
For those of you who do not know about Jihad Watch, it is a site where Islamophobes gather to post "newsworthy" items from around the globe. After reading the article, one can post comments...most of which state things like "ban Muslim immigration," or express outrage based on highlighted portions of the text. The posters of the comments will pat each other on the back for creative posts, or ideas for t-shirt slogans which they would never have the nerve to actually wear in public. Reading over these ignorant comments made me cringe. It made me cringe because at one time I was one of these people. I posted what I thought were witty comments in hopes that I would get many replies to my thoughts. Being ignorant of Islam, I based my "knowledge" on these articles, and what the media was telling me. I also cringed because in my years of debating the far left loons, I always did my research to have facts to back up my assertations, but regarding Islam and Muslims, I did no such thing, hence, I posted garbage like most of the others on that site.
One of the main problems on Jihad Watch is that the site owner (Robert Spencer), a supposed "western scholar" on Islam, and author of Islamophobic books, posts his comments on news articles to guide his lemmings. So, some news stories which are not about extremists, and have nothing negative to say, are twisted to cast a shadow on Muslims. An excellent example of this was a news story from Sweden which talked about a population increase due to immigration to the country. Due to the creative writings of Mr. Spencer, this story was retold to his lemmings to read that Muslim immigrants were trying to take over Sweden. The problem is, even after linking to the original news story from the Swedish paper, Muslims or Arabs were not even mentioned. Must have been a slow news day to take a story about population increase on a whole and make it out that the Muslims were taking over one more country, on the way to world domination. [/sarcasm]
One article I saw was about a college in Minnesota which had a prayer, or worship room that all religious denominations could use. Of course, the article was trying to state that the Muslim students had taken over the prayer room and that the bathrooms near the prayer room were filled with brothers perfoming Wudu before Salah. Of particular interest to me was that Mr. Spencer highlighted some the text of the story...including what one person believed was being thought by a brother doing Wudu, based on the look the brother gave him when the person walked into the bathroom. This perceived thought was something like, 'I am going to do this and there is nothing you can do about it!' Quite a perception based on a look. Of course, the lemmings were all over the perceived thought based on a look, and, of course it did not matter that no words were exchanged.
Another recent article(s), was that Muslims supposedly don't know how to debate. I have to admit I did not read the whole two part mini-series, but the main point, at least of the first one, is about Muslims "calling" people names, like "racist," during a debate. On this point I have to agree with Mr. Spencer...except, I would add that this would apply to anybody debating another person. In counter-protests, during my time with the Chicago chapter of Protest Warrior, I met many a person who wanted to debate with their heart and not with facts. And, when presented with the facts and they know they have lost, they shout ugly names like "racist" or "brown shirt" or "nazi," etc., etc., etc...(insert creative words here). This is not exclusive to one group of people either. I have had people who were counter-protesting with me, and who were not used to the attacks one gets at these protests and started calling names back, and that isn't productive for anyone. But, of course, Mr. Spencer only uses this analogy towards Muslims...and his lemmings take the bait and feed furiously on it.
Speaking of debate...of course, when a Muslim tries to make a comment on Jihad Watch, they are vigorously attacked. The funny thing is that most of the comments addressed back to the Muslim brother or sister are unfounded or name calling. You may find an occasional person who will try a real debate, but it is rare. Most of this I try and believe is pure ignorance, since I was once a lemming poster on that site. I cringe at that even now as I write it. I have always taken pride in my debating skills, but on this site I went with the flow. It wasn't until a few years later, in the midst of reading & watching more Islamophobic material that I decided to arm myself with my own facts on Islam so I would become well informed on the issue. Little did I know what would happen when I read the truth about Islam. Once again, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my research would take me from being a lemming of Islamophobia to becoming a Muslim, a loving follower of Islam.
I encourage others to find out for themselves the truth about Islam. Be wary of the sites used to gather your information. There are many sites out there which sound like informative sites, but in actuality, they are anti-Islam sites. I say this anytime one gathers information for any issue: know the source.
Alhamdulillah, my heart has been opened. Every day I grow stronger in my Deen. Insha'Allah, it is my sincere hope that one day I may be able to help others to stop being a lemming, and to see Islam in a different light...and, Insha'Allah, maybe one day I will be able to call them brother or sister.
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May Allah reward you greatly for what you have done and continuing to do by giving dawah. Ameen
It is much appreciated and I certainly can learn a whole lot from you. Ameen
Asalamu Alaykum WW. brother,
Today is my first time I visited your blog Mashallah, very informative. You have said, "that it wasn't until a few years later, in the midst of reading & watching more Islamophobic material that I decided to arm myself with my own facts on Islam so I would become well informed on the issue." Brother if you can remember exactly what made you decide to "arm yourself" with the facts, is there a specific comment someone made on Jihad Watch or post that made you decide to do more research on Islam? I am a seeker of Islamic knowledge and also I give dawah to people I meet at school or wherever I'm at. Therefore I like to know the many ways Islam is being attacked so that I can better understand the way certain individuals perceive Islam. That way I'm more prepared to give dawah without having to think about what to say, after realizing the many issues Non-Muslims have with Islam to my surprise.
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