Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Odds & Ends....

From time to time, when I feel I have somethings to write about but do not think they require their own individual post, I will write up an "Odds & Ends" posting, insha'Allah.

Today I am writing about a couple of events which happened recently. First, I experienced discrimination of Muslims based on looks. I was in Dallas to visit a friend of mine for his wedding. On the Sunday I was returning to Chicago, Dallas was having heavy fog. The shuttle company called and I left for the airport earlier than expected. In my shuttle was another gentleman flying back to Chicago on a different flight. Since we both got to the airport earlier than planned we decided to fly stand-by on the next flight out.

While standing against a wall, near the counter waiting to hear if our names were called, a couple of Muslim brothers drove by in an airport transport cart. Both were black, neatly dressed, except one was wearing a kufi. It was based on this quick observation as the cart went by us, that the "gentleman" next to me said, "Now that makes me nervous." I looked at him and asked him "why is that?" He disregarded my question and I did not push the issue since this person was clearly an Islamophobe.

Another recent incident I could title, 'Yes, white people are Muslims.' It happened at the Islamic Foundation where I take my new Muslim classes on Sundays. On this particular Sunday I arrived after their first Dhuhr prayer. A brother eyeballed me as I came through both sets of doors and, even though he was holding the collection box, he called out to me, "Can I help you?" I replied, "Assalaam Alaikum, no brother...I am here for the new Muslim class." He replied "Wa'alaikum assalaam" and went back to his collections. But this was not the only incident that day where brothers assumed because I was white that I was not a brother. I gave 'salaams' to a brother as I entered the bookstore and he just replied "Hi." After looking around I was waiting at the counter when a brother from the ICN masjid I regularly attend walked in the bookstore door. He saw me and we exchanged 'salaams' and talked for a moment. After the other gentleman saw this, then he gave me 'salaams' and shook my hand.

Now, I bear no ill feelings toward my brothers. I understand from my readings why this happens. Still, it would be nice for the brothers not to be so judgemental based on my skin color/ethnicity...especially when I am giving 'salaams' inside the masjid.

Alhamdulillah! Subhan'Allah! Allahu Akbar!


SaqibSaab said...

Assalaamu alaykum Scott,

All new brothers go through this, especially those without the staple signs (beard, dark skin, ethnic dress). Maybe you should wear one of those funny shirts saying "Hi I'm a Muslim" or something. :)

Keep blogging away. I enjoy reading your writings.


AllAboutAsma said...


It is sad to see that you have to go through that. Whenever I see a 'white' person around or in the masjid, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is a Muslim.

Ironic how some Muslims get upset at racial profiling when in reality they're doing the same thing.

May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast upon the Haq. Ameen

- Omar